Things to Know Before Signing Up for Your First Pilates and Yoga Class

Yoga and pilates are two distinctive disciplines. While pilates targets your core strength, flexibility, and spinal alignment, yoga focuses more on your emotional well-being by bringing you mindful awareness. Yoga classes elevate your consciousness while pilates boosts your mood and mental health. The key difference is how pilates yoga workout  lessons use special equipment for different exercises while yoga doesn't, thus solely relying on your body-weight. 

Here’s what you want to know before you sign up for your first pilates yoga workout session.

1. Watch Your Posture - To make the most of your pilates yoga workout sessions, be sure to watch out for your posture. Working with a class instructor will help you with this.

2. Dig in Deep - Be ready to engage your abs and on every level. You will be challenging yourself by breathing into your spine as you raise your body from the floor during the workouts.

3. Start with the Basics - Pilates involves a level of commitment and discipline. If you are combining yoga and pilates, start by taking beginner lessons. Learn the different pilates moves and their variations and get the basics down. Integrating yoga with pilates will become much easier that way.

Starting with one-on-one classes is recommended if you're new to Pilates. You can go ahead with group lessons once you get more comfortable on the mat. Remember to leave your worries and stress behind since these workouts are designed to rejuvenate and connect you to your mindful self.


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